
Lesson Study and Curriculum Management in Japan
3267円 (税込) ※1
Product description 商品説明
Index 目次
Introduction: A Research of Lesson Study and Curriculum Management in Japan
Chapter1:Summary of Lesson Study and Curriculum Management
Chapter2:Action Research of a Lesson Study in Japan
Chapter3:Lens from Lesson Study and Systematic Classroom Observation Research
Chapter4:Knowledge Leadership and Lesson Study
Chapter5: A Study on “Project Management” a Case Study on School Integration by Board of Education
Chapter6: Fostering Lesson Improvement through Leadership Practices: A Distributed Leadership Perspective
Chapter7: Development of the Autonomous Learner through Blended Learning
Chapter8:Findings from Case Study of Service-Learning in Japan
Final Chapter Future Study Focused on Action Research
Chapter1:Summary of Lesson Study and Curriculum Management
Chapter2:Action Research of a Lesson Study in Japan
Chapter3:Lens from Lesson Study and Systematic Classroom Observation Research
Chapter4:Knowledge Leadership and Lesson Study
Chapter5: A Study on “Project Management” a Case Study on School Integration by Board of Education
Chapter6: Fostering Lesson Improvement through Leadership Practices: A Distributed Leadership Perspective
Chapter7: Development of the Autonomous Learner through Blended Learning
Chapter8:Findings from Case Study of Service-Learning in Japan
Final Chapter Future Study Focused on Action Research
※1 店舗ごとの消費税の端数の計算方法の違いによっては、お会計額に誤差が生じる場合があります。